what started out to be a guilt-inducing but relaxing experience watching star awards in my room turned out to be a heart-pumping scare!
i hardly watch tv, and less so the old free tv redeemed using exxon-mobil petrol points. it has literally been a white elephant in my room. i decided to let my lack of discipline get the better of me when i switched it on, neglecting my poor cfa tb which has been calling out to me to be flipped the whole week!
after around 10 minutes, i heard a crackling pop sound and suddenly, there was GREY SMOKE BILLOWING from the vents of my tv!! the screen still played on fine, with colour, sound and all, but the smoke was starting to fill my nostrils! i, with my shaky index finger, pushed the power button, and then turned off the main plug.
BUT the smoke still continued to emanate from the tv for a good 15 min! i hastily pushed my windows open and closed the room door and sought shelter in the living room! i didn't know what to do at all cos my all-knowing parents had just left the house for dinner and it'd be some time before they got back...
in the meantime with a racing heart, i pondered over silly thoughts like what would happen if the tv suddenly exploded and my whole house, including me, caught fire?? would i jump out of the window and aim for the swimming pool to douse the flames on me? or if it was not so extreme, but only the tv caught fire, what are the items i would rush to retrieve first from my room for keepsake? haha i don't know if this is amusing, but my cfa textbooks were my first thought!! (probably cos of its overriding priority in my life now since exams are coming up) my next thought was to stash away all the photos i have in my room + the gifts from zk (zk, are you touched??)...after that my silly mind stopped blabbering to itself....
when daddy came home and i told him about it, he just calmly said, 'orhh, you know it's the transistor (whatever that is) being worn out, cannot do anything already la', and mechanically proceeded to unplug the tv with all its cables and removing it from my room!
oh my, what would i do without my protective, handyman daddy??
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