here are the photos of our gathering back at rj..those were the times man..

haha! us acting cute! omg im failing terribly

yh and zit playing indian wrestling! i cant seem to change the orientation of the photo :x

our cool group shot

mrs yeo came!!! :D

haha yk looking glam as usual

small boy

playing asshole daidee

i like this photo! at ri astro field

check out the mountain tortoises getting a feel of the "grass" at the astro field

wad is vips doing
huahua flew off oredy! :( hope u're having a good time at cambridge dear! :))

something happened which made me feel happy in a strange way but it could be me thinking too much haha
so happy zk could book out ytd! he said cos his officers were in a good mood! and the reason is damn cute la..cos one of them just had a son and the other's wife just got preganant! hahaha the power of he came to crash my tuition! and kieran was in an unusually good and smiley mood, but kimberly seemed a bit more restrained hahaha...luckily their parents din mind his presence...den i went to stay over! even though its just for a few hrs only cos we had to wake up at 4.30 for him to book in..but it really provided a wonderful respite from my stress from all my school work!! :s the walk to his house at night is TRAUMATISING. there're like thousands of cockroaches! ok im exaggerating..but like every 5-10m i'll see one! i almost din dare to walk!!
ahh okok i shall go back to scrutinizing salvador dali paintings and coming up wif ideas on how managers should encourage their employees to share their knowledge and learn collectively to fill up 12 A4 pages yes that's so exciting man! :x