last sat, on impulse and also cos he needed to, i cut zk's hair!
at first he didn't think i was serious about the idea, but when i first suggested to him, i already had a rough idea how i was gonna do it hehe..but when i actually got down to it..the first few snips were disastrous! i started with the right side of his head..and ended up in holes in his hair! but luckily i was conservative and didn't cut that much initially, so later i could mend the holes by trimming the longer parts that were sticking out! and as time went by (hahaha i took more than an hour ok!! dunno if it reflects my proness or lousiness haha!)..i got better and better! my snips were getting faster and faster..and on top of that, i didn't have a shaver too! ok this sounds worrying cos i think its kinda an instrumental equipment to have when cutting guys' hair, but i tried my best to imitate the effect of a shaver...i was cutting upwards to create the 'slope'!
and stupid zk was DOZING OFF la!! goodness! and he was getting very restless cos he can't sit still for long..he had to keep asking me to pause while he shifted..what a lousy customer!!
in the end, i was rather pleased with my masterpiece! hehe..but zk said there's a bulge on one side cos i cut the other side shorter oops! (and when he went back to camp his friends all said his hair look like kok!! ahhhh so hurtful! but they just thought it was a job done by a lousy barber hehehe)
here's the before and after photos!
Before! (check out the chicken tail! hehe..he just woke up :p)
work-in-progress: haha this was the holey hair that made me afraid to continue!
haha..and zk made me watch this jap anime called monster with him over the weekend..i never really enjoyed watching anime..but monster is really really good! its full of suspense and thrill and furthermore, it's rather deep and philosophical yet logical at the same time! its extremely addictive..even now when im in the hostel i feel excited by the thought of being able to watch the next few episodes! :D
hmm on a less positive note, screwed up accounting test today..its always my time management..i really suck at time management..from tests to exams and appointments..really need to learn how to prioritize my tasks and use my time wisely!! but oh well, no point brooding over what's over..shall just work harder then! :)
OMG DEBS HEEEHEEEEE zk really did look like kok initially. better after u cut his hair haha
ReplyDeleteyay thanks for ur support vips hahahah