ok sorry i guess i was being oversensitive as usual..but im glad i had the chance to talk things out..though i really never expected myself to even come close to letting it all out..
i really dont wanna be like this, but i cant help but get affected easily..guess its just in my nature.. :( haiz
and to xiaogui! cheer up! stop thinking u're lousy cos u're really NOT! and ur 'latest phenomenon' of twitching cheeks damn funny la..anyway i was listening to the radio just now and some guy said that twitching parts of your body like ur eyelids or fingers etc. are a sign of stress! so just relax and dont be so nervous la! the world's not out to judge us..and the worst thing about you is that the more u start reflecting about such stuff the worse you feel, and you develop misconceptions about yourself which aren't true at all! must be happy k? you still have us no matter wad! :)
haha binbin tagged me..cliched stuff as usual!
Rules: Tagged person must come up with 8 points about his/her perfect lover.... must include the gender of ur lover...
anyway, binbin! sorry i'm not gonna do it properly la..haha..aiya think the most basic thing is for him to have good morals and be nice to me can oredy..of cos must love me too!
haha which reminds me of that cards thing zit was doing for me to predict the qualities of my future husband..haha it showed that he doesnt love me!!! warghhhh so sad right
haha ok i think i sound damn bimbotic talking about such stuff i shall stop it!
dinner yesterday was nice as usual..so happy binbin finally agreed to meet us again! haha! sorry i didnt go early enough to study wif u at ny lib..i would love to go in again but i dont wanna get stared at! and to ouou! please dont eat some spicy tomyam noodles if u cant take the spice la!! so LOSER lorrr hehe..and i noticed a stark difference between hc and rj again..when we went in ytd, it was quite dark and late oredy, but it was still full of activity..ppl training for netball, the huang cheng ppl all having dinner together..xiaogui's junior even offered us pizza! haha too bad we were too full oredy..ya it was just warm and homely la..ppl staying back not for academic purposes..in rj during this hour, ppl would most probably either be mugging in the canteen or in the library..there's no mass activity to bond the people together..even hc's canteen which had birdshit on the tables seemed more romantic..haha! but rj is still nice for me la cos i think my class is nice..at least i have ppl like yk and zhixian to stay back wif me just for fun..to mug together in class or just stone around..i think it'd be scary if i were in a class whose ppl would just zao home or off for cca or sth..then i can imagine myself alone in the classroom still packing my bag with no one else around anymore..think 3m is somewhat like 4/9..apart from the fact that there are guys now la..cos i find the ppl nice on the whole..and there's not really an outcast or whatever, which i think really sucks..
haha ok i dunno where im heading towards..just felt my life is quite blessed.. :)
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