i'm never NEVER going out into the sun for the whole day without putting sunblock again!! im awfully sunburnt now and its damn damn pain..i underestimated my impossible-to-tan-skin! as far as possible (i.e. when i'm at home) i try to go braless..putting on and taking off clothes has become such a painful chore to me!!
but ANYWAYYY, fishing was really fun...i'm serious! what i mean is not only the fishing part of it, but the whole package of going to fish..it's damn laidback, relaxing and carefree..i render now that most people fish not really cos they want the fish itself, but more of a tranquil way to pass a nice sunny day outdoors..fishers either go there to look out at the beach, reflect on their lives, or engage in a heart-to-heart talk with their friends, which was wad zit and i did..reeling in the fishing line was just like a side-job once in a while when we were hoping for a pleasant surprise that there'll be a fish at the end of our line each time! haha we were not very successful fishers, we only caught a crab the entire day! but its a CRAB!! how cool is that! its medium sized, with filter-like hairs on its pincers and legs (which made it damn difficult for us to free our crab from all our tiny hooks)..it could be a HAIRY CRAB!! hahaha ok of cos i dunno i dont study crabs..it was quite badly entangled..we dont think it was actually feeding on our raw prawn bits bait, but rather it just unfortunately swam into our line and got tangled up..
it was very funny cos when zit first pulled her line up we werent actually expecting anything, after our futile wait for over 3 hours...then we saw sth long and shelly clinging onto the line!! then i was like, "wa! is it a prawn! no it looks like a lobster!" and after a while i realised it was a crab!! we were both very excited but we didnt know how to free the crab..and i merely let out a small shriek when the crab first started jumping about which induced zit to bellow an echoing scream which reflected off the whole stretch of breakwaters im NOT exagerrating..haha..and we were being damn losers because we wanted to free our crab and save our fishing line at the same time so we took turns, one of us using an umbrella and a piece of cardboard to hold down the crab's pincers while the other person using scissors to remove the hooks..in the end we gave up and just cut off the line! and we used the end of the fishing rod to nudge the crab back into the water..in the end when we pushed it to the edge of the jetty it jumped in itself! so cute!
and i realised fellow fishers are all DAMN NICE...really..whenever you walk past them they'll ask you if you've managed to catch any fish yet..or when they say they've caught one or two, they'll open their box and show you their catch..there was this group of malay guys near us and they were very friendly! which made our day so much nicer..not the flirty kind of friendly but the genuinely nice kind of friendly..like when we were walking out towards the carpark, one of them was behind us..he caught up with us and chatted a bit with us and halfway, he said he gtg and he RAN off! haha like he was in a rush but still bothered to be friendly to us..and two other old man taught me how to fish a bit too cos noob me was about the cast the line when my weight got stuck in the wooded barrier behind! this is damn loser cos we're supposed to swing our rod from the back and in my midst of swinging the line got caught behind! and i was hoping those two men won't stand there and look at me casting the line anymore!!!
anyway, pictures of our catch!!

zit posing with the crab! can you all spot it??
our crab all entangled with our fishing hooks
our freed crab!! :D
scenic view of labrador beach from the jetty :)
pretty picture!
other than that, this week has been about meeting up with many of my close friends! i'm happy that you're fine oredy dear! i know i've said this a lot of times but i really really admire you for being so strong, mature and gracious, especially so for a girl...
swimming wif kwa just proved that i'm destined to stay fair! like when we talked i would be standing in the sun and she'll be hiding in the shade..and after we got out, i hadn't the slightest bit of tanline, which she was chaotah on the back cos her swimming costume had a sexy revealing hole at the back (hehe! :p)
went for med checkup wif binbin too..and submitted our hostel application fees...thinking about it just reminds me that i'm gonna start on a new phase of my life very soon..we all are..i just hope nothing will change very much, though i know that it will...hmmm oh well..
hehe can't wait to teach xiaogui and binbin cycling on tues!! i really hope that they'll be successful lor! :DD
2 more days!!