tomorrow, i'll be starting on a new phase of my life..i'll be attending my hall camp! not really used to the idea of going for an orientation camp all over again..having to meet new people, form new bonds of friendship, and pretending to be enthu and cheering even though u're dead tired! haha i dont exactly enjoy cheering that much..i always think its attention-seeking somehow! hahaa i'm a wet blanket..but yeah..really hope the people in my grp are nice and simple people! :)
haha today's been a messy day..spent half my day at daiso picking up stuff for hostel wif my parents, binbin and zk..the place is so big and ppl tend to leave stuff that they picked up but which they later decided they didn't want around..its so messy! den moved all my stuff to the hostel..really thankful my mummy and daddy took such an active role in helping me settle mummy making a list of what to buy..both of them helping with the cleaning up of the very dusty room which had been left vacant for quite a while..haha i think the part i like most about my room is my pink bedsheet which has flowers on it! i dunno why i like flowers so much...i think they just make a place seem much more homely and pretty...
really really glad im gonna stay wif my binbin! it makes me so much more excited about school life... :)))) and there're so many other ny ppl and ppl i noe who are going to ntu..and many of them in accountancy too! gonna be a mini ny reunion..and clara and wenyan's going gracelyn! wa friends from my primary and secondary schools plus cool right!
met up wif angchieh, dory and kwa the other day! so ironic that lowly the organizer couldnt make it! really wish she could though..haven seen her in so long..and im sure she'd make the dinner seem much more lively too (not that it wasnt la haha) cos of all her frank and honest comments haha...really glad to see that everyone's still the same..angchieh's still as cute and simple as ever..and dory is just as warm and smiley!
its strange how we always feel scared that such gatherings wif friends you haven met in a long time are gonna be awkward..and sometimes we feel apprehensive about going at all..but after meeting up we don regret it at all! but the next time we get the same apprehension all over again..i think its special how i can meet up wif gracelyn after 4 years?? and feel as though nothing much has changed between us..i guess as long as we dont change in character and principles, nothing will change in the friendship too :)
oh anyway here are pics from our mind cafe outing the other day..we're gonna meet up to play badminton next week im very excited!! i hope we do go on wif our plans eventually..
playing taboo: yuensau trying his best to describe 'bald head' to zk and zk INTELLIGENTLY guessing the word as BOTAK hello this is an american/british game!
zk was supposed to carry out a dare on the jenga tile cos he caused the tower to collapse, in pretending to direct traffic across a busy road, when another table realised their girl had the same dare! so we made them do it together haha looked damn funny la! :p

ahh wish me luck for a good start to my school life!
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