hehe i decided to neutralise my recent wordy posts by uploading more photos! i shall be orderly and categorise them :p

i'm not sure if you all can spot what i was trying to take, but there are at least 3 obvious parakeets in this photo! hehe spotted them while walking up the slope to my house..think these are the male ones..they're brighter and more colourful..the female ones are also green with red heads, but much duller and without the long, fanciful tails..i went to google it and confirmed that they're called 'long-tailed' parakeets! they can be found in malaysia too, so not sure if they're migratory birds..

on the same day i spotted the parakeets, i spotted this snake 5 min earlier! can u see its bright read head?

ginger and baby ginger- resident cats at hall 6..they're super cute! the turtle-shell one on the right is the baby i think..they're ALWAYS together, when cats are supposed to be solitary creatures..so sweet right..and u can spot the mummy cat's stripes on the baby!

another photo of ginger (name given by jingkai) and her kitten taking an afternoon nap!
eating at uncle sammy's- which serves mainly claypot rice- at clementi after badminton! the student meal is really worth it! its $5.90 for 1 claypot rice, 1 drink (which includes drinks like orange juice, barley etc) and 1 dessert (like ice kachang or ice cream etc.)

cam-whoring on our way home after our run in ntu!

kokwei and chinboon looking at the moon! hehe

at the coffee shop at enghui's condo! hehe check out her 'act cute' expression! :p

prata at al-almeen (dunno how to spell!) after l4d..yangyang ordered SOOO much food we were all stuffed like turkeys trying to help to finish it!

my beloved peipei and her willy which i adoreeeeeee :D

3M class outing at this place called mykii (pronounced mee kai) at holland v..the ambience is really nice :) the food portions rather small though..wasn't full after the meal..

some random flowers outside vivo

wild flowers at hall 6

sunrise from my living room window

bougainvillae at ntu..my photo doesn't really do justice to what i saw..it was really pretty! pink flowers against the green trees against the blue skyy

another sunrise from my house..felt lucky that the birds flew into the picture!

wanted to capture the crescent moon..on the way to enghui's house!

one of the many flowers planted by zk's daddy

bare branches near my house
mimosa plant at the bus stop opposite my house

the super pretty birthday card wei they all got for me from kino

haha i can't rotate this pic! but was trying to form a heart shape with the bracelet i got for kimmie's birthday
jingjing's birthday card!

edmund's birthday 'card'!

yk's 21st birthday present! which i gave super belatedly..i feel quite proud of it cos i hand-sewed it!

i koped the inner lining cloth from my mummy's sewing box hehe
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