Wednesday, 12 October 2005

haiss just wanna say sorry k..i seriously think i have a big problem..such stupid things always happen..argh..

if only everything could be like how it was last time..

i seriously seriously hate changes

why are we never contented? the more we have the more we want..such a stupid way of living..

i have so much time now that im feeling im just wasting my nice slacking time away..haiz..there are so many things to do...i just don feel like doing any of them..haha must get out of my comfort zone like wad yk told me! her stupid brainwashing workshop..

since being happy, sad, angry, scared and so on are all just emotions, wad's wrong wif being sad or angry? its just another emotion after all..why is being happy good? why can people affect one another so easily? we're just all people..ok i dunno wad im saying oso..nvm...

i just feel lost and detached and all..

it was really nice toking to u binnie! thanks! :)

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