haha we went to the haunted house which wasnt scary at all!
den we just slacked in the 4/9 classroom while waiting for BIMBOS yuna, chua and ULTIMATE BIMBO chua hui boon!! to finish their $3 manicure which took like more than an hour??! i really miss having lessons wif all of u..the classroom looks a bit different now though..how can they use dark grey curtains???! all the computers are gone too..n they changed the comp on the teacher's table to some new black one haha..n of cos, the biggest change was that there were no more of those inspirational posters which mr chan bought to paste ALL OVER the classroom..haha
we met a few teachers..and strangely, it was the teachers whom we least expected to remember us who actually did..mdm yick, lee shanshan..quite sad mr chan and wu laoshi cant really remember us anymore..but its quite expected la given the sheer number of students they meet every year..haha BUT potato chan ONLY remembers his model student CHARlene kwa!!! haha! (char pronounced as in CHARlie :p)
ahh i feel so bad it was like yuna and weeleng who kinda sponsored us wif all the food and stuff!! cos they had coupons..nvm must treat u all back next time k! :D
den we went down to orchard..was supposed to watch movie but no good time slots so we ended up sitting down and talking instead..haha i learnt lotsa rj and hc gossip and i felt so ignorant! hahaha
warghh i really really miss nanyang sooooooooooo much..to an extent that it depresses me..i've never felt so comfortable wif a group of people, dare to say wadeva i feel like and being happy by just being in their company..its such a rare feeling for me now...
oooh and im so proud of yuna!! she actually appreciates my cute rainbow and sunshine lorr! haha she very cute la cos i sent 3 pics of them over to her phone and she kept changing her wallpaper between the pics..so fickled la!! but nwayyy here's a cute picture of rainbow for u!! hehe..dont have sunshine cos i haven used the digicam to take him yet..and i dunno how to upload pics from my phone..haha

thank you to all of you who really made my day today.. :)
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