all of you should to west coast park in the evenings...its really really beautiful...go there around 6 plus and just admire the sky till the sun sets totally..i never knew singapore skies could be so pretty and picturesque..the park is such a nice place to be at..u see parents bringing their kids and having fun at the huge and creative playgrounds..there're just so many heartwarming family activities going on..plus there's a dog park right at the end specially for dog owners to bring their dogs there to meet and interact with other dogs! so cute right..the scenery u can get is a plus point on its own oredy..(haha i sound like im part of the national parks board promoting wcp or something haha!) nway ya..the pictures above speak for themselves..YOU SHOULD ALL GO AND EXPERIENCE FOR YOURSELVES :D
nway im finally into my slacking week..its only my first day and i've been slacking since i woke up! chatting wif liow on msn and uploading pics from my cam...nothing which i had planned to do at all during this week! i was supposed to spend this week clearing my sec sch, a level stuff (which is an EXTREMELY painful and difficult task :( ), writing my essays (though i haven decided wad scholarships im going to apply for nway and i seriously need help wif them), EXERCISEEE (ahh i've been giving myself too many excuses to put off any form of exercise! and i really can feel my du4 nan2 growing!!)..ya that's about it...
heard results coming out this fri..i still dread the day for the same reason as before..but nvm..i shall be detached and unemotional!
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