argh i can't stand my indecisiveness! i thought i'd already decided on something but it seems like it's so easy to block off all those original thoughts and take on a whole new perspective! haiss..i dont have much time left to deliberate anymore..i wish i was living in decades ago and i'll be contented by just being a housewife! :s
i'm really irritated with myself..i never seem to be able to come up with a choice and stick to it..and i'm guilty that i get irritated with my daddy for constantly pressuring me into doing things..i just wanna think at my own pace!
hmm the macritchie incident made me consider environmental engineering all over again..its just this naive thought that nature is punishing us for our sins, for exploiting and destroying the Earth..and environmental engineering is the first step i can take to saving the Earth! hmm..but i think i'll get bored working in a lab setting..and studying for 5 yrs...sth i may not even like..haiss i really dunno!
anyway, some pics of us at the tree-top walk at macritchie! i think we walked at least 10km lor! it took us 5km alone just to GET TO the tree-top walk which only lasted 200-300m! but the view was nice la..very serene and simple..and later we walked damn far to get out and we were all drenched in the rain! they should really consider building more shelters along the way! very dangerous lor..we could hear the siren but we can't do anything but keep walking until we find the nearest shelter, which is still damn far away!
and daddy's birthday on wednesday! :)

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