Monday, 28 May 2007

yay im really happy now i've finally made up my mind! i'm so grateful for all the wise people around me who made me realise that the course which is more difficult to get into is not necessarily the better one for me..and after everything, i realised how naive i was to have applied for environmental engineering on impulse! i just though i would like it because i liked being in the environment/natural outdoors...but i didnt actually imagine myself enjoying constructing machines and gadgets to improve the way waste, water, gases etc are treated! haha...

and zk's sis lent me the 'cake mania' game to install in my comp! so excited! its something like diner dash but slightly easier and cuter and i'm really contented because i've been simply bored every night with nothing to do! there's nothing much to surf online and most of the time the people i chat to on msn are not online too! so i just rot the nights away..but now i got something simple but fun to occupy my time with muahahaha! ok i sound damn loser now..and his sis is really very cute and nice she bought chocolates for me too :D :D

went to a bar for the first time with yk, vips and mavis on fri..really enjoyed the company..i really hope our holiday plans do materialise! i hope to do sth memorable before i go back to school (which i'm quite excited about too cos i do miss studying! haha)...

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