on a sadder note, i feel this ache in my heart whenever i see this old man on his wheelchair at the swimming pool downstairs..he's not exactly old i think, at least he doesn't look so..my guess would be 60 plus? but he looks like he had a stroke, but he looks aware of what's happening around him, but resigned to this fate of not being able to move about on his own..his maid brings him down to the poolside everyday (which is good cos he's not cooped up at home) but she simply leaves him there to sit while she chats with other maids..and i feel indignant about it! i know i have no right to cos i'm not doing anything for the old man myself and i'm not aware of wadever family arrangements they had as to how to take care of him, but i just feel sorry for him..he sits with his head drooped down, probably out of tiredness, and somewhat facing his maid who's nonchalantly in conversations with other people..i wonder what he must be feeling..does he feel helpless? miserable that the only way he spends his day is to sit on the wheelchair like this? i once saw him practise using the walker..which heartened me..cos he could walk! and i felt hopeful for him..but ever since, i never saw him using it again..i wish his maid could bring him for more of such therapeutic walks..
and on another separate, but happier note:

finally met up with steph! together with kwa..it's been a really long time since the three of us got together like that..and it was heartwarming for me..our paths may now be rather different, each of us in different schools, but being together still gave me that sense of familiarity and security..that we could just be ourselves once again..that transported me back to those days where we'll store all our heavy textbooks in those A4 boxes under our tables we'd get from the photocopying room (not cos we were muggers like everyone else thought but cos we were lazy to carry those books to and fro!), where we called ourselves the powerpuff girls (haha! omg), where we (ok maybe only liow and me as kwa would furiously deny) collected our apple-aloe vera juice bottles in the drawer at the back of the classroom (to the wrath of yanzhen who was on 'cleaning drawers' duty those weeks and found a trail of ants leading to our bottles hehe!), where we did leg raisers to train our (almost non-existent, except for superwoman kwa) abs during lessons, where we kept talking and making so much noise that anna fu scolded us (yes, the us which comprised her favourite student, kwa!)..where we forged deep friendships i hold dearly till this day..i love these two people!
to end off, here's a question i've been pondering about- how do bus drivers get to work, if they don't stay within walking distance to an mrt, or if the bus interchange is not beside an mrt? or for that matter, how do mrt drivers get to work? who's there to drive the very first buses?
hehe pardon my randomness :p
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