omgomg i dunno wad's wrong with me..i usually have dreams every night but this time i've had dreams close to nightmares 3 days in a row already! and its strange how firstly i can recall the dreams and secondly i can link each funny thing that appeared in the dreams to passing objects or thoughts i had during the day..even the most random stuff!
and its really scary how i thought i had woken up..and even told my parents about the scary dream..and later (truly) woke up again to realise i had only told them about my dream IN MY DREAM! and it sounds funny, but if im urgent to pee or sth in real life, i'll naturally feel damn urgent in my dream..and then i'll frantically keep using the toilet in the dream, but still feel urgent even after i've just peed! its quite a xing ku feeling actually...then i dreamt i woke up, was thankful it was all a dream, found myself on my bed and went to the the toilet, i tried to pee though it felt a little constrained..but i convinced myself i had really woken up (unlike previous instances where i had woken up only in my dream) by pressing my toes against the floor..and later i woke up i realised AGAIN I WAS STILL IN THE DREAM! arghhh
ok back to my scary dreams..i'll just recount last nite's one..i dreamt it was the end of the world..and what really freaked me out was that everyone was mentioning the word apocalypse in the dream/nightmare..and when i really woke up i checked the dictionary and realised it really meant the end of the world! i never thought i knew this word in real life..but the fact that it could appear in my dream, though it was told to me by others in the dream, means that i actually knew the word! its like somebody putting this word into my head through the dream..i dunno how to's just really weird how the word appeared for the first time in my head out of nowhere, and its definition i got during the dream was totally accurate! bleahh
ya so it was quite scary..sumhow it was during the odac expedition, but in some setting i've never seen before..and its supposed to be the party hall in kampung kiau combined with some expo? i dunno! suddenly, the ceiling started cracking and falling in parts.. i tried to run out of the building but lightning was striking every part of the ground..haha damn movie-like i i told shuting who was with me that we should hide under the tables or sth..haha! like what we're supposed to do during a war attack..then later sumhow the weather or wadeva calmed down..but we knew we could do nothing about the end of the world..and i was suggesting to shuting REALLY SERIOUSLY in the dream that we should go climb some high building to jump down..the easiest way to die..rather than live in extreme fear for the next few days and wait for the world to really end..and i was really hoping she'd approve of my suggestion..ok when i look back now it seems really funny..but not at all in that scary dream! then i woke up (in the dream argh) and was really relieved it was all a dream..when i received this sms from dawn er! kinda random..that things were better on her side (she's in australia)..though her area was a little flooded..but things were sth like that singapore..singapore was supposed to be not very affected by the phenomenon..haha! i dunno why too..then i was really confused..was it a dream or not?!? cos even dawn could sms me about it! then i sumhow was in her next scene or sth..and her place was only slightly flooded..bleahh i dunno..its like some exciting movie la! can go win some award oredy..hahaaaa
hmmm and laddie was still around in the dream..sumhow in the dream i knew he was supposed to have gone away..but the doctors managed to prolong his life or sth..and i made sure i spent every moment i could with him in the dream..haiss i really miss you laddieboy..
and i slacked the entire day away..really din do any work at all! one of the most piggish days..and again, when i slept, i dreamt that i recounted my scary dream to binbin..and i woke up later to realise its all a dream again!
argh..i think my ability to consciously get out of my dreams is getting from bad to worse! once i feel that the scenario im in is a little surreal, i will try very hard to open my eyes and check if its a dream..and i think i've done it too often..then the dreams (like bacteria) gained resistance or now when i try to wake up..and think that i've really woken up, i have only done so in the dream..its quite scary..if i keep on waking up in the dream but am never really able to get out of some now i get really confused as to whether i've really woken up..cos my dreams have cheated my too many times! i may even still be in a dream as i'm typing this now..
haha ok this is one of the longest entries i've ever written..but i really feel damn strongly bout last nite's nightmare! warghhh
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