exams are over! and i instinctively went back to watching mj's videos on youtube..though sometimes i try to stop myself from watching cos i'll start to feel sad all over again..
but anyway, the below are the links to three videos i really hope everyone can watch..they're basically from the interview he had with oprah winfrey back in 1993 i think (and again, i soo respect how he stuck soooo strongly to his wonderful values since then and displayed the exact same thoughts in his 2005 interview! how many ppl can stand true so consistently to their values like this?)
now that exams are over and you're free, don't dismiss him before trying to know him! he's really one amazing person..and i don't usually get awed by one person to such an extent like that..as you'll see in the 2nd video below, what his good friend, elizabeth taylor, says about him simply sums it all up- 'he's a good man'
i hope he can become a role model to many other people too :)
hmm the video had their embedding function disabled so i can only attach the links here! really hope everyone will go watch :)
1. Interview Part 3- this part brings up all those crazy rumours in the press & i hope it helps dispels all those serious misconceptions others have of him..made me realise how easy it is to believe what is written in the papers..and like wad mj said, if it's repeated enough, people start to believe it..and i was guilty of not displaying mature discretion..i did not even think then that everything could be easily made up by the press..and again, mj was so wise in saying, 'never judge a person unless you've got the chance to talk to him one-on-one'..it also taught me not to be so judgmental..
2. Interview Part 4- this is when elizabeth taylor appears and so accurately describes the person he truly is..i fee glad by how she understands him so much and seeks to let the world know it :) and on a sidenote, see how humble and gentlemanly he is when he gives up his seat for her!
3. Interview Part 5- here you can see again how much he genuinely loves children and cares for the sick..and how he is super super talented..he could simply give an impromptu dance/moonwalk and singing/beatbox performance..only true talents can do sth so impressive out of NOTHING!!
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