haha when its not raining,
i like to stare longer at the sky and at the orange rays reflecting off the white walls..
and then i'll imagine how different the sky and the walls would look like on a rainy day..
grey, wet, dull, dark and gloomy
and i'll be even more thankful at that moment itself that its NOT raining! :)
i really cant understand how people can like rainy days at all..
haha today was fun! we should get a frisbee for ourselves! we're getting proer and more graceful!
think i shant come online so often anymore..seriously killing my eyes..they get tired very easily now..and it makes me sleepy! im getting astigmatism! there's shadows when i look at the computer screen leh..or is it cataract?
its friday the thirteenth anyway! ok did i spell thirteenth wrongly again? it looks unfamiliar again..and ouou nearly got flashed at! omgg
wish me luck for tomorrow! really hope it doesnt rain! like today...
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